Wednesday, December 21, 2011

RIP Shine Shawne

I've heard the news about Shawne's death yesterday. He's one of my school mate, although I don't really know him, it's sad to hear this. And his friends' posts in fb triggered my tear glands. He was an angel to them, a young lad with great attitude and personalities.(his friends posted) I'm sure they won't be, and can't be okay. And his family, it must be devastating to accept this reality. This accident caused a mother/father to lost their son, 2 elder brothers to lost their younger brother, a young girl to lost her boyfriend and the others to lost their dearest friend. But no one can do anything to prevent this to happen if God had planned to take him away. This is life. I sincerely hope that his family and friends could stay strong for his sake. It's certainly difficult, but they have to. Rest In Peace, Shawne. =)

I saw another news where 4 teenagers died in an accident at Johor. The driver was only 17-years-old. These incidents really gave me goosebumps. We can't blame anyone, including God. He has given everyone a certain life span, and when the time has reached, we have to go. I remember when I was young, I was scared about death.(even now!) I can't sleep at night once I start to think about death. Whenever I told my mum, she will say that no matter how scared we are, we can't change anything. Honestly, this doesn't make me feel better, but it is true. Fate is something that we can't control. We should appreciate what we have now and live our life to the fullest.

Yesterday I watched a programme where the filming was at the place where the Maya people live. They are always happy everyday, and they spend their day to the fullest as if the next day is the end of the world. And they even said that, they think 21st of December 2012 as a day where everything starts over again, like in a cycle. So I guess that day isn't the end of the world. =)

I shall make my life as interesting as possible. Or I should say, appreciate everything and live happily. Err..they almost have the same meaning.. or not. haha

If I Die Young -- The Band Perry 


  1. haha when it comes to life stuffs, those deep words are inside my head... results of listening to adults 'speeches'.. hahaha
